Movies, Films & More

Neonatal death, stillbirth, and other types of baby loss are still considered taboo. I don't know why people are so scared to talk about it. When I lost my baby boy, I couldn't understand why this was happening....everyone I knew was able to give birth to a healthy baby - why couldn't I? As people started hearing my story, they started telling me that they too had also lost their baby, through miscarriage, stillbirth, premature birth, etc. This is so common. Why isn't anyone talking about it? 

There are only a few movies and short films that cover the subject. Let's start sharing this with people to create awareness.

Movies and Short Films

The House I Keep (9:33) a short fiction film about a woman struggling to come to terms with her miscarriage.

Return to Zero (website) - I absolutely love this movie! RETURN TO ZERO is based on the true story of a successful couple who are preparing for the arrival of their first child. Just weeks before their due date they are devastated to discover that their baby son has died in the womb and will be stillborn. The movie is available at Amazon

Peekaboo (trailer) - Peekaboo tells the story of Andy and Emily, who have been trying for a baby for years. After three pregnancies ending in stillbirth their world in torn apart. They move house to make a fresh start, but this throws Emily over the edge as she has to let go of all her hopes and dreams. Emily slips into a world of fantasy as way of trying to cope with her loss and Andy becomes more isolated from her world as he grieves in his own way. Andy tries to guide Emily back to reality, but is their relationship strong enough to survive?

Still Born, Still Loved (trailer) - This is a feature length documentary looking at parents' journeys from the heartbreak of stillbirth, to acceptance, finding happiness again and a joy in living.

Capturing a Short Life (trailer) - Capturing A Short Life is an intimate, cinematic and life-affirming documentary about families dealing with infant loss, that explores how critical it is to remember the beautiful babies who are only with us for a moment, and how impossible it is to forge

Still (trailer) - Still is a documentary that aims to break the cycle of silence of pregnancy and infant loss. 

Youtube Videos

The Deafening Silence - Abigail's Footsteps  (23:33) - a short film about what couples go through following a still birth. The acting is not great, but the message is real.

Bereavement: coping with grief after a neonatal death (6:44) -  parents speaking about the neonatal death of their babies 

Other Useful Videos

Sympathy vs. Empathy 

Many people have shown sympathy towards me and my loss, but very few have been empathetic. What's the difference? Watch this.

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